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The idea seemed simple... and caught Jeff Talon's eye: The Bloodstone Market in Saisio. A single corporation was slowly changing the "face" of the Saisio system by continually mining and manufacturing items, insisting on selling (and continually restocking) a growing number of items ranging from practical application to specialized interest. It provided an alternative to constantly travelling to Jita for the "least expensive" options of common items including weaponry, ammunition, exploration items, and common tools often needed for mining and exploration - all at very reasonable prices. Of course, Jeff did what he could to avoid "Jita-shopping" whenever possible, but his interest in manufacturing kept pulling him reluctantly into Jita. Then, over the course of a year, Bloodstone Industries started providing technical tools, supplies and other materials to assist mining, manufacturing, and finally research. That's when Aberdeen Research Facilities was decidedly created. He heard the rumors of their persistence, therefore competition would have been futile and ruining the betterment of Bloodstone's efforts toward the "greater good for all pilots," so Jeff Talon saw an opportunity and, as an aspiring industrialist, went for it: A dialogue was opened between him and the CEO of Bloodstone Industries, Jared Tobin, and within two weeks, an agreement was reached, a charter was drafted, and a merger was created. Within 10 days, some of Bloodstone's miners (suppliers), transporters and, most importantly, several top scientists had assisted in the further creation, expansion and set up of Aberdeen Research's laboratories - even a shared datastream for public record was created for Jeff Talon. While maintaining his CEO control and retaining the title of Research Facilities Director, Jeff was joined by the transfer of employees of several seasoned scientists from Bloodstone Industries - integrating and teaching the small, but integral, original members the finer techniques of research and development. Abner G moved over to the Abagawa HQ station, set up the team of specialists, and assisted Jeff Talon in overseeing the process of perfecting research and development skills - thus adding to the Bloodstone Market in Saisio and becoming a part of something greater - especially with Aberdeen's backing support, and formation, of the B.S.I. alliance to solidify their partnership and a better future for everyone. CURRENTLY (2012): As the only original member still currently part of the Bloodstone Lead Staff in Aberdeen Research, Abner G has become the official Viceroy (Black Ops Research Devision) whom acts on behalf of Jeff Talon and the entire corporation to assist in the communication lines between Jared Tobin and the rest of the scientific teams of Bloodstone Industries. Currently, Amon Rakis has taken over as Research Facilities Adjutant of Aberdeen's main labs. We say goodbye to Infinite Forloop in May. This year continues to massively research BPOs to enhancing The Bloodstone Market's production efficiency as well as expanding Abner G's T2 research. We are open to outside contracted mineral acquisitions with private miners and mining entities passing through the Abagawa solar system. Please contact Jeff Talon, Amon Rakis or Jared Tobin via evemail for mineral outsourcing opportunities. ARCHIVED NEWSJAN 2011: Abner G and his assistant, StoneDog64, have been working hard with experts across the 'verse learning tricks and secrets of the T2 (and beyond) Industrial Trade. This coming year, Abner G along with Jeff Talon (Research Facilities Director and CEO), Andrew Longstockings and Arnoban Urzur to create and work in the massively expanded research labs of Aberdeen Research Facilities. With the recent change of staff in Bloodstone Industries , Abner G is now the mad scientist indeed for BOTH corporations - working together as one - as all the enthusiastic scientists will continue to help supply and expand the Bloodstone Market in 2011. With this year's "Phase V", we will be seeing more T2 invention and manufacturing perfection, grand scale research, and sharing of knowledge workshops with the other scientific comunities that make up the various members of our growing alliance. JAN 2010: Abner G started working on the experimental production of various bombs, but most notably, Abner immediately starting producing Large Hull Repairer I's, Defender I's, and even T2 advanced blaster ammunition known as Void M's - and adding them into the current, ever-growing list of the Bloodstone Industries' Market Inventory. Not to mention three new frigates in rotational stock! All items researched and manufactured by Aberdeen Research Facilities are transported to, and sold only in, Bloodstone Industries' HQ - marked with the ever-growingly noticed ".44" price tag - which seems to have become "popularly copied" by many, but only these jointly-manufactured items are sold in one station in the entire Forge region: the Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities station. Shop wisely. ![]() |