"Come. Fly the teeth of the wind. Share my wings." |
Current News:
Life continues onward, this month welcoming an old comrade, and his new corporation, Taxus Industries, to B.S.I. This year we continue efforts with NAP negotiations and welcome everyone to stop into our public channel: BSI-PUBLIC. Most notably, this spring, several of our members' corporations have been working more aggressively (take that however you wish to interpret it) in less than 0.5 security systems and are becoming more nicely (and comfortably) spread through various regions of New Eden. We also have had a Lead Staff member take time off to help assist a convoy of a peaceful, humanitarian nature...
Apr 1: CORPORATE CHANGE: BSI corporate member, Arvachah Mining has changed their CEO and corporate representative to the alliance to Romulus Maldonado. Their corporate logo has also changed and noted in this datastream's update.
Apr 24: NEW MEMBER: Hailing from Hentogaira, BSI welcomes our old friend and his new corporation, Taxus Industries with open arms. Their CEO, Andrew Taxus, a former Bloodstone Industries security transport pilot, is a sight for sore eyes! Welcome!
PLEASE FOLLOWUP: IF YOUR CORPORATION APPLIES with interest in becoming an alliance member of B.S.I., please remember to SEND an in-game MAIL to Jared Tobin - since we are not alerted of any new applications submitted due to CCP's odd lack of attention to this small, but crucial bit of programming. If you don't say hi, your application won't be noticed for a long, long time...
Current Statistics
We are continuing to pass the proverbial olive branch onward across the 'verse, in our ongoing effort to expand and nod our heads towards the "good" that is left in this 'Verse. This means solidarity and an agreement between each other on admiration and terms of simple, mutual respect of shared existence. We may not all share the same goals or philosophies... except maybe one: Accepted tolerance towards co-existence. All agreements and friendships are kept private here. For NAP and/or Friendship negotiations, please contact Jared Tobin. The following are simply for statistical benefit:
Current Friends: 49
Current Non-Aggression Pacts: 36
Policies For B.S.I. Members
Of course, if you are interested in becoming a part of the B.S.I. alliance, the following polices hopefully outline everything possible to help answer questions to better assist in deciding whether B.S.I. is the right alliance for your corporation to join, before personally inquiring:
PRIMER: Bloodstone Industries is the founding executor corporation of the B.S.I. alliance in conjunction with support and funding assistance by Aberdeen Research Facilities - Bloodstone Industries' symbiotic, corporational expansion in the areas of scientific, research and developmental interest. Additionally, pateince is a virtue. Though mentioned in the last two sections of our policies, let it be clearly stated here and now: Upon your application submission, your acceptance is by no means immediate, nor guaranteed. We begin with an oligarchical level with review by the Bloodstone Lead Staff and, should your application be deemed appropriate for consideration, the follows a diplomatic voting process involving each of the members' CEOs/Alliance Representatives.
AUTONOMY: As members of B.S.I., corporations can adhere to and internally maintain their own corporation's infrastructure, goals, and "business as usual" routines, contingent upon whether there is a conflict between your corporation's rules, regulations and general standing, goals, intentions and code of conduct; with the "commonalities", "general standards" and "moral/ethical representations" that Bloodstone Industries and all other B.S.I. members uphold to and share ideologically with each other - that which binds this alliance together:
We believe in, support and embrace industrial (and protective) corporations based in science, manufacturing, research, mining, legitimate trade and diplomacy, mission running and necessary, protective (not intentionally/malevolently provoked) security measures.
We believe in, support, and embrace corporations who share and work towards group cooperation for their own "greater good" (mutual benefit) as well as upholding their own "corporate family's individual betterment and well-being". We believe this ideology naturally spreads, imprints and connects with other fellow corporations also in the alliance (or potential, future alliance members) - thus the "greater good" would naturally evolve into a mutual benefit and reciprocally shared betterment for all of B.S.I. and what we all stand for together.
We fight the good fight. All "aggression standards" aside (as that definition varies from corporation to corporation, system to system, et cetera), we firmly believe a good offense is a well-prepared defense. Everyone has the right (and is strongly encouraged) to protect and defend themselves and their fellow members, assets, and integrity - corporate or otherwise. When in doubt, defer to your own CEO - whom may defer (or present) possible issues in need of attention (that may or may not affect the alliance), possibly on a larger scale - which is encouraged via alliance mail or private communications with Jared Tobin (or any members of the Bloodstone Lead Staff, depending on your own requirements of immediacy and/or privacy.) Bad communication = lack of communication.
It should be also made clear that any immediate negotions and quick decision making when absolutely necessary for one or more entities' survival within B.S.I. is encouraged, but no one is authorized to speak for the entire alliance on matters that have long-term repercussions and/or finality. An example: If in a time of sanctioned war by CONCORD, it should be treated like any examples of diplomatic and warfare oriented events in history. Establishing momentary "cease fires" and "corp to corp agreements" in lieu of split moment issues is understandable. When temporary cease fire arrangements are established first, it is wise to show a hand of good faith by honoring a temporary solution within the 24 hour window before and after a dispute resolution is made. By then it, if communiations are made within B.S.I., it is wise to keep Bloodstone Industries (as executors of the alliance) aware of future long-term establishments of treaties/agreements. Without that communication, no single joining member of B.S.I. has the authority to speak for B.S.I.'s behalf as an entire entity. Again: Bad communication = lack of communication. (This 4th sub-section was decided on April 2011 for posting under our AUTONOMY section for clarification in an effort to help avoid confusion in the future.)
DOUBLEPLUSunGOOD: Any unprovoked or continually unwarranted/unsanctioned "PVP"/"PVE"/aggressive act(s) which tarnish their own corporation's reputation and standards as well as B.S.I.'s reputation as a whole entity - including any actions that would bring upon (and possibly entangle) all B.S.I. members in unnecessary sovereignty/diplomatic issues, complications or unintentionally misunderstood/misinterpretted acts of aforementioned unwarranted/unsanctioned actions against pilots, gangs, fleets, corporations or alliances whom we, as a whole, did not/do not sanction (nor desire) will be immediately dealt with. First by communication with that person's CEO, then, if necessary, by the Bloodstone Lead Staff and all CEOs of every B.S.I. corporate member.
When any member of the Bloodstone Lead Staff and/or any member corporation's CEO (or representative) has issue(s) regarding mutually unsanctioned actions placing B.S.I.'s members in continual and unnecessary conflict(s), bad standing(s), and/or purposeful malevolence with any other corporation(s)/alliance(s) and/or violating existing NAPs, Friendships/Good "standings" and any other established diplomatic/sovereignty agreements; will NOT be tolerated, can be internally challenged by any corporate alliance member and voted in determination for prompt expulsion from the B.S.I. alliance. (Please note: Under executive authority of B.S.I., Bloodstone Industries [and/or, if necessary, Jared Tobin himself] can and will immediately expel any immediate violators - only when absolutely necessary due to conflict resolution or similar matters - in order to protect, maintain and uphold the good-natured representation and reputable standards that B.S.I. continually endeavors to symbolize.)
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The main backbone of B.S.I. was based on Bloodstone Industries establishment of a singular, rotationally-stocked and self-sustained market (the "Bloodstone Market") located in The Forge region's Saisio system in only one main location: the Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace and Order Unit Testing Facilities station.
Though economic and membership policies of both Bloodstone Industries and Aberdeen Research Facilities are clearly set, with respect to autonomy, we ask all B.S.I. members not to intentionally "compete", "copy" or "use to your advantage" any economic advantages or "similar price-branding techniques", such as immitating our own pricing: pricing identical items we produce just below our own prices, especially with usage of the number 4 and ".44" in your own pricing, which has become a defining trademark of our products sold only at ONE station in the known universe (Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace And Order Unit Research And Testing Facilities), as such actions will only conflict and create internal complications in alliance growth - mainly not to the benefit of your own corporation's (or personal) wealth or betterment - but also undermines the backbone of the Bloodstone Market (which this alliance would not be possible without our continuingly unique, single-station market success). There are many stations out there. Sell somewhere else, or, if interested in the greater good, any member's corporation is welcome to be a part of the Bloodstone Market as such cooperations would prove more mutually beneficial. For more details, please privately contact Jared Tobin. Any other price competition in the Saisio VII - Moon 1 - Peace And Order Unit Research And Testing Facilities station is looked at as "competing with your own alliance which you are in." We call it the "biting the hand that feeds principle". If this type of conflict of interest becomes a continual/repetative issue, dismissal from B.S.I. may be the only mutual resolution.
If any member pre-meditatively plans any low-sec or zero-sec (lawless) travel with aggressive intentions (fights, battles, et cetera), please inform the rest of the alliance, or, at the very least, privately contact Jared Tobin - as self-removal (temporary or otherwise) from B.S.I. may be an ammicable solution in the best interests for the continued daily activities and "business as usual" for any and all uninvolved members of B.S.I. ("Uninvolved" defined as having nothing to do with your personally pre-planned aggressive acts.)
Any applicants withholding any information on "wardec history" or recent events that would bring a war into the alliance due to a war declaration during the initialization period will be rejected once their 24 hour indoctrination period has occured. We are not an umbrella for any corporation who does not reveal their proper, prior wardec history. Any unexpected acts leading to a wardec during your intitialization or upon immediately entering B.S.I. will be executively-rejected for the sake of protecting existing treaties, friendships, and fellow corporate and alliances which would naturally create a (you guessed it) conflict of interest. Again, this will occur as an executive decision by Jared Tobin if previous information was not released or made known to the Bloodstone Lead Staff during initial membership application interviews. If this seems cold or unsupportive, we apologize you feel that way, but we will not bring on any corporation that does not provide us with full disclosure of recent agression activity(ies) or event(s), "war-dec history", et cetera that would (or could) lead to a war which would put us in a position to let you go immediately upon entry. When a war declaration occurs within the 24-hour waiting period of membership acceptance, especially with an unassumed, premeditative or known (but withheld) cause (or probability becomes apparent as the cause) of a war which is originally not intended towards B.S.I., but inevitably entangles such an undesired situation, then immediate termination will take effect. We will not be used to help fight your wars for you. This is what we define as conflict of aggressive interest.
WE'LL SAY IT AGAIN, just to be very clear while we're covering the specific "conflicts of interest" topic: When any member of the Bloodstone Lead Staff and/or any member corporation's CEO (or representative) has issue(s) regarding mutually unsanctioned actions placing B.S.I.'s members in either perpetual, continual, unanticipated, and/or unnecessary conflict(s), bad standing(s), and/or purposeful malevolence with any other corporation(s)/alliance(s) and/or conflicting with existing NAPs, Friendships/Good "standings" (and/or any other established diplomatic/sovereignty agreement(s)); will: (1) NOT be tolerated, (2)can be internally challenged by any established, existing corporate B.S.I. member and (3) can be voted on immediate determination for prompt expulsion from B.S.I. to put an end to any type of conflict of interest. (Please note: Under executive authority of B.S.I., Bloodstone Industries (and/or, if necessary, Jared Tobin himself) can, and will, immediately expel any immediate violators - only when absolutely necessary - due to conflict resolution or similar matters - in order to protect, maintain and uphold the good-natured representation and reputable standards that B.S.I. endeavors to symbolize and imbue.)
CONVERSELY: It should be also made clear that any immediate negotions and quick decision making when absolutely necessary for one or more entities' survival within B.S.I. is encouraged, but no one is authorized to speak for the entire alliance on matters that have long-term repercussions and/or finality. An example: If in a time of sanctioned war by CONCORD, it should be treated like any examples of diplomatic and warfare oriented events in history. Establishing momentary "cease fires" and "corp to corp agreements" in lieu of split moment issues is understandable. When temporary cease fire arrangements are established first, it is wise to show a hand of good faith by honoring a temporary solution within the 24 hour window before and after a dispute resolution is made. By then it, if communiations are made within B.S.I., it is wise to keep Bloodstone Industries (as executors of the alliance) aware of future long-term establishments of treaties/agreements. Without that communication, no single joining member of B.S.I. has the authority to speak for B.S.I.'s behalf as an entire entity. (This 5th sub-section was decided on April 2011 for posting under our CONFLICTS OF INTEREST section for clarification in an effort to help avoid confusion in the future.) Again: Bad communication = lack of communication.
VOTING: When issues that affect the B.S.I. alliance require a decision, a vote may be required. In the event that an issues requires a vote, the matter should be formally presented in alliance mail. Each corporate member represents 1 vote. Each current member in Bloodstone Industries comprising the Bloodstone Industries Lead Staff also can cast 1 vote each. Votes from Jared Tobin (Bloodstone Industries' CEO and B.S.I. Founder) count as 2 votes each (if needed). This has been set since the formation of Bloodstone Industries itself to keep an odd number of votes. If/when necessary, Jared Tobin, as execuive founder of B.S.I. may invoke executive authority and weigh options, votes and make the final decision - especially if the number of votes is "even" in totality.
PRIVACY ACT: Breaking ANY confidentiality of B.S.I.'s internal affairs, strategic plans, identities, intentions, aquisitions, assets, planetary installation(s)/POS(s)/moon mining platform(s) locations, friends, enemies, alliance mail and/or chat subject matter(s), diplomatic/sovereignty information, and/or anything not specificly aforemention (which includes and covers all corporations that make up the alliance - and all their aforementioned areas of privacy as well) are grounds for immediate expulsion. Period. Anything possibly not clear with this golden oldie rule, definitely contact Jared Tobin immediately.
BENEFITS: As mentioned earlier, B.S.I. is founded and partially funded by the Bloodstone Market in the Saisio system. Therefore, any B.S.I. members are automatically able to place manufacturing requests for any item(s) we manufacture on our Bloodstone Market (or in our private, combined collections) at a reduced (below average) or free (depending on negotiated terms, et cetera). Contact The Bloodstone Industries' Science/Manufacturing Division for further discussions, requests, quotes and specifics.
MEMBERSHIP: Membership dues are usually automatically paid by Bloodstone Industries before any late charges are applied. However, each corporation in B.S.I. is responsible to pay membership fees monthly:Membership is 2,000,000 (2 million) ISK per month, due around the last week of every month. Any questions, please contact Jared Tobin.
LIMITATIONS: English speaking applicants only, please, or at least have a good to reliable grasp on English as a foreign language. (Sorry, one corporation broke our very last Babblefish tank by accident.)
NO corporations whose members log on less than 1-2 week. (Obviously there are exceptions, reasons, unforeseeable issues, et cetera. RL comes first.) This would also presume that you are beyond the corporational age of a trial account.
When applying, please include all information pertinent to any recent violence or aggression involved with, from, towards, around or following your corporation, as this will help us better assess risks involved, if accepted. We also cannot/will not divulge any friendships or allies here (since we would be breaking our own privacy act). Therefore, your full disclosure would help us determine if there would actually be futher, potential conflicts, you may not be aware of, that would be hinged upon your active participation. ALL INFORMATION IS KEPT EXTREMELY PRIVATE, even if you are evaluated and determined as a deniable candidate due to conflicts of interest due to our private affairs, connections, business relationship(s) and conduct, et cetera.
"STRICTLY" Pirate/PVP/PVE only corporations need not apply. It would simply be a mutual conflict between your personal policies in contrast to our alliance's corporational membership populous and standards/codes of conduct and mutual respect.
MATURITY WARNING: We are all (assumably) mature pilots who have been out in space for quite a long time... And when you've been around the 'verse that long, we all tend to use "mature" (and/or explicit) language in our private alliance/broadwave communications... not to mention some of us drink and smoke on the job. If this offends you, or you are too young for mature content and mature language, you have been officially warned and we are not responsible for any "damage" (psychological, personal, or otherwise), and technically you probably shouldn't be enrolled in Eve due to CCP's EULA age restrictions. This includes respect to no trial accounts.
CLARITY: Any needs of clarification, concerns, questions - anything possibly not clear, outlined or covered above, definitely contact Jared Tobin immediately. Again, bad communication is lack of communication.
 EVE Online and the EVE logo are the registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights are reserved worldwide. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. EVE Online, the EVE logo, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf. All artwork, screenshots, characters, vehicles, storylines, world facts or other recognizable features of the intellectual property relating to these trademarks are likewise the intellectual property of CCP hf. CCP hf. has granted permission to the B.S.I. alliance to use EVE Online and all associated logos and designs for promotional and information purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not in any way affiliated with, the B.S.I. alliance. CCP is in no way responsible for the content on or functioning of this website, nor can it be liable for any damage arising from the use of this website. |  